My Portfolio of Research
User Research for Virtual Learning Platform
In 2019, I was challenged to find optimal software for use in virtual training events at a Cleveland, OH-based training, coaching, and consulting company. This software needed to accommodate our 25-35 clients per month. I navigated through the research to determine the best solution to fit our needs.
Secure optimal software for both casual webinars and robust instructional lead training.
Software solutions:
Go-To Meetings
Adobe Connect
Findings (grid below):
We found we needed to use two different platforms for two different solutions. One solution was for casual webcasts for folks to join to get updates from leaders in the area and also have round table conversations through member networking. We found that Zoom was the most appropriate for these situations since the user experience was easy, clients asked for this, and it allowed for all our attendees. The other solution was for robust webinars that needed breakout rooms, customized for certain clients/external vendor courses, and was able to be customized for the ERC brand. We found that Adobe Connect checked all those boxes and went with that solution.
Backpack to Briefcase Worksheet Solution
We found that 30+ page training manuals at ERC were too long and we needed to condense it into a few pages. We also wanted something that would be cost savings.
We created the document below by looking at what could be cut from the older manual and make a worksheet that people could take away, write notes, and use for activities.
Making Training "Stick" Through Data
The Learning & Development team launched and trained on Creative Problem Solving tools to encourage creativity, innovation, and curiosity through structured tools. The L&D team wanted to make sure the tools “stuck” and that learners use the tools in the foreseeable future. However, there was a complication that through learner feedback there would be accountability issues that the tools would not work. After a few months of compiling feedback from learners, I surveyed the data that you can view on this spreadsheet.
The work:
One method to survey data was to have ChatGPT summarize it and it came up with:
"One lead idea to help everyone remember and incorporate the tools into their daily work is to create environmental reminders. This can be achieved by placing screen savers on projectors in meeting rooms and posters that are easily visible. These visual cues will serve as constant reminders to utilize the tools during meetings and discussions. Additionally, the tools can be posted in all shared meeting spaces, reinforcing their usage through HR Mix emails and creating habitual behavior.
By incorporating environmental factors that consistently remind employees of the tools, it becomes easier to institute and maintain their usage in daily work routines. These reminders can help foster a common language and culture of innovation and encourage everyone, including senior leadership, to embrace and model the use of these tools."
Also, Python generated these results based on word frequency on how to overcome limitations and make training "stick":
[[(('meeting', 'rooms'), 6),
(('ground', 'rules'), 5),
(('make', 'sure'), 4),
(('keep', 'cards'), 3),
(('something', 'address'), 3)],
[(('make', 'sure', 'managers'), 2),
(('training', 'company', 'wide'), 2),
(('provide', 'visual', 'set'), 1),
(('visual', 'set', 'ground'), 1),
(('set', 'ground', 'rules'), 1)]]
I was able to generate a few word clouds based off the commonly used words in a few of the columns of the compiled data as you see in this section to create a more visual appeal.
After analyzing the data, I found that the top recommendations from learners came in these "buckets" amongst many fun/out of the box ideas: posters, reminders, and accountable leaders.
Taking learner feedback and presenting it to the L&D team, we came up with some solutions to be used within the next 6 months came up including:
Have an email come from the CEO on a reminder to use the tools
Have an email come from an HR Newsletter on a refresh of one of the tools
Post posters in conference rooms that have the tools readily available to use in collaborative environments
Create a video of success stories of folks that have used the tools
Launch an incentive program to use the tools and display that they have used the tools
Post on a company intranet site that folks can easily utilize the tools